Units in Kgr, m and lt
PIC and Front Passenger (kgr)*
Rear Passengers (kgr)
Baggage Area 1 (max 54kg)
Baggage Area 2 (max 23kg)
Usuable Fuel(SX-ASG: max 182lt, SX-ASV: max 144lt)
MOGAS (lt)
AVGAS (lt)
PIC and Front Pass arm from 0.85 to 1.17m. 0.94m mean value
Baggage Area 1 + 2 max combined weight: 54Kg
MTOM 1043Kg
MOGAS specific weight 0,75
AVGAS specific weight 0,72

Utility Category only for SXASV
no rear pax no baggage,
PIC and front Passenger must set seats forward to 0.90m

LGTT Weather:
LGTT 101400Z 20013KT 160V230 9000 4800W BR FEW018TCU BKN025 28/21 Q1002 RMK FEW080 FEW180
TAF LGTT 100700Z 1009/1018 18010KT 9999 FEW025 SCT025 TEMPO 1009/1018 18010G20KT SCT020 BKN040 PROB40 TEMPO 1009/1018 5000 RA SCT015 FEW018TCU BKN030 PROB40 TEMPO 1012/1018 4000 TSRA SCT010 FEW018CB BKN020
Registration: SXASGWeight (Kg)Arm (m)Moment (kg m)
Corrected / Licenced Empty Weight000
PIC and Front Passenger00.940
Rear Passengers01.850
Baggage Area 102.410
Baggage Area 203.120
Usuable Fuel01.220
Take-off / Landing Airport*
Elevation (ft)*
QNH (mb)*
Temperature (C)*
Wind Direction o*
Wind Speed (kts)*
Condition of runway
RWY Slope (%) for Take-Off*
RWY Slope (%) for Landing*
Short dry grass (1.2 t.o. / 1.2 land)
Short wet grass (1.25 t.o. / 1.3 land)
Long dry grass (1.25 t.o. / 1.3 land)
Long wet grass (1.3 t.o. / 1.4 land)
Wet Paved (1.0 t.o. / 1.15 land)
Snow or soft ground (1.25 t.o. / 1.25 land)
Short grass is up to 5 inches long
Long grass is 5 to 10 inches long
Landing on a grass of more than
10 inches long is not recommended

Slope always positive - applicable on:
a) upslope RWY only for takeoff
b) downslope RWY only for landing
Elevation (ft)785
QNH (mb)1013
Pressure Alt (ft)785
Temperature (C)13
Density Alt (ft)785
Wind360o 0 Kts
RWY in use03
HeadWind (kts)0
CrossWind (kts)0
TO/Landing Mass (Kgr)0
Condition of RWY factor for take-off1
Condition of RWY factor for landing1
Safety factor for take-off1.33
Safety factor for landing1.43
TODR (m)0
TORR (m)0
LDR (m)0
LRR (m)0
Pilot's Name*
* Required fields
Pilot's Name